How To Avoid Frozen Pipes During The Winter

With the colder months upon us, it's important to take a few moments to think about how the weather can affect your home or business - specifically, your plumbing. Frozen pipes are not only a nuisance, but they can cause major damage if they burst. That's why today, we're sharing a few tips on how to avoid frozen pipes this winter.

1. Keep your thermostat at the same temperature day and night. A sudden drop in temperature is more likely to cause your pipes to freeze than a gradual change.

2. During extremely cold weather, let the cold water drip from your faucets served by exposed pipes. Running water is less likely to freeze than still water.

3. Keep cabinet doors open during cold snaps so that warm air can circulate around pipes located in exterior walls.

4. If you're going out of town during the winter, have someone check your property regularly to make sure everything is in working order - including your plumbing.

5. Lastly, consider installing products like heat tape or insulation sleeves designed to keep your pipes warm even during extreme cold snaps.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your plumbing survives the winter unscathed. No one wants to deal with frozen or burst pipes, so it's best to be prepared ahead of time. Do you have any other tips for avoiding frozen pipes? Share them with us in the comments!


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